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The reasoning of our faith.
28 Jul 2005

In a time when so many people need clarity in there daily lives, we find that the body of believers stand on issues regarding our Lord, God and Savior are very divided. In churches all around the world, the fight for the right to own God as their personal magnifier instead of there Holy Sanctifier is being proven by the strong separation that Christians show because of doctrinal differences. We as Apostolic servants must maintain our footage and not get lost in the power struggle to own God, but indeed serve in humility our Master, Lord, and King Jesus, who is God. In light of this let us keep in view the Oneness Theology, that Jesus is the visible manifestation of God “Colossians .1:15 He is the image (eikon) of the invisible God.” The root word for eikon is eiko, meaning representation, likeness, and resemblance, it will be better understood by expounding on the verse with this vision in mind “Jesus is the representation and manifestation of the substance of God” (also see 2Corinthians.4:4). Jesus being the manifestation  of God in the New Testament Scriptures gives us a better revelation of knowing the son who is God in his imminence and because of this we can now know the father who is God in His transcendence. This statement is true for every Oneness believer, because without having a relationship with the Son, one can not have a meaningful spirit filled relationship with the father “ John.14:6-7 I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father’ but by me. If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also”. The soteriological importance in regards to our salvation is placed on the humanity of Christ and His incarnation. Through God becoming a High Priest in His manifestation as  Christ Jesus in His humanity, He was now able to redeem all humanity. In other words, if there was not an emptying of God through the kenosis to fulfill the incarnation, not one drop of blood could be shed, nor would their be anyone to intercede on our behalf and if intercession is hindered, their will be no healing of the harmony broken through the fall of man. In conclusion, never forget that the identity of God will always be inseparable, and that the Hypostatic Union (the two natures of God) will exist for eternity as Deity, Humanity in our Lord Jesus. Note: God ( Jesus ) is not a man, HE IS DEITY!


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The Apostolic Note

Case #1


The Reasoning Of Our Faith 

Elder Lloyd T.Lockett