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The reasoning behind our faith. (Case #2)
28 Aug 2005

/i//clip_image002_111.jpg  by Elder Lloyd T. Lockett

The Apostolic Note

Case #2


The Reasoning Of Our Faith 

 One God! one Lord, one Master, one King, one divine purpose under the will of His own infinite,  Power, Presence and Knowledge, that only one simplistic Deity possesses. Oneness, this is the sum of divinity, yet some can still find division in a self-existent God. True Monotheism states   the worship of a single deity (God) is that believer’s Faith. In view of this a major division between the Oneness Apostolic faith and Trinitarian dogma has been the component of doctrinal separation. We as Oneness believers understand and agree with the Monarchia of God. This Monarchianism describe the undivided unity and sovereignty of God that allows us to have a more excellent discernment of the Modalistic relationship that is inseparable in the Godhead. Therefore the visible manifestation of Divinity in Jesus is revealed in 1Timothy.3:16 stating “God was manifest in the flesh.” We must note that all teachings on the individualized personalities of God are not biblical and that Jesus’ dual natures, “humanity and deity” are essential  attributes of His person. Trinitarianism has veered off track of true monotheism by adding and dividing to what the root teaching of one God, one Lord, one Master and one King is all about. When we say that there are three persons in one God that share in being co-equal, co-eternal, and then adding to the separation of monotheistic doctrine that the three are also co-essence, the reasoning of this belief system has a non-applicable reality that sounds more like a form of polytheism call Tritheism, meaning the belief in three gods. In conclusion my dear friends know that  in Jesus dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead,  the name of Jesus is full of power because He is God the Word of God made flesh, the I AM in old and new Testament, the only way to the kingdom of Heaven, He will judge the world, and save the lost, He is coming back soon like a thief in the night and no one will escape His Judgment. This letter is for your encouragement in The Lord Jesus. I pray your faith in God will move you to a stronger understanding of our Master Jesus and of our Apostolic faith  A-Men.

Lloyd T. Lockett