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The reasoning behind our faith.Case #6
28 Dec 2005




/i//clip_image002_111.jpg  by Elder Lloyd T. Lockett

The Apostolic Note

The Reasoning Of Our Faith  Case #6 

Through the eyes the Patripassians Christian view of Jesus, we find this definition imbedded in the hearts and souls of the Oneness faithful worshiper, that God and only God saved me.

We understand that “pa” is translated father in the Latin, as well as “Passian” translates to suffer. We understand that the Spirit of God can not die, therefore can not suffer but a man can and did and that man is Jesus, who is the Father of Creation and the visible manifestation of God in the flesh. The Father suffered because he became a man in the person {hypostasis} singular, of Y’shua Ha Mashiach, John.1:14 “The word became flesh”. Although the word “Logos, Greek for word” is used here, we find a discrepancy in its usage. Due to Greek Polytheism and the very corrupt thinking of Plato’s subtle addition of his warped and non-biblical theory of reasoning, we now have a God of many part, integrated into the world of Christen thought and a Logos theology rooted from Plato's monstrosity called the Timaeus. Through this elaborate mixture of three main gods with mathematics, this Pleonastic contribution to the Roman Catholic fathers, who by the way are Neo-Platonist by way of Tertullian {AD 200} and his introduction of the Trinitas, which is today's Trinity. We must note that the Logos theology is not the same as the biblical reasoning of the Logos of Oneness Judaic-Christianity {Modalistic Monarchianism} and truth. Logos theology teaches us that a pre-existent person is in the Godhead. In no way did primitive Judaic-Christians  view God in this pagan practice. Gods word was always from the mind of God and not from a part of his multiple self existence. God’s word was and is a word given in the old testament and a word manifested in the new. God and his word is not divided but is one and the same. It was this very word that has become flesh and lived with the sum of humanity in John.1:14 . Dear friends, the Hypostatic Union supports no plurality in the Godhead at all. Lets look at the word “Elohim” and  how it’s translated and reasoned by Oneness and Trinitarians. The Elohim of old Testament is translated God and Reveals to us the attributes of God and not a community of persons called Holy Trinity. If this is true in any way, the use of the word in judges.6:31 when it is used to refer to Baal, would also mean that in him is a multitude of gods as well as in 2ndKings.1:2 when Beelzebub is called Elohim, he to would be a kind of plurality of persons, but they are not. When the word is used it is speaking of one entity and not 2,3 or any other numerical equation outside of one. Now will you trust the so-called Post-Apostolic Fathers: Clement of Rome, Ignatius, Polycarpi, Justin Martyr, and Shepherd Hermas or true Oneness thinking from a oneness God. By the way, they claimed to be successors of the real Oneness Apostles but they don’t identify with the real Apostles Oneness God. Now, go reason that one out.

Elder Lloyd T. Lockett