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Anthropomorphism:Seeing God through the finality of the Homo sapiens.Case #12
1 Oct 2006


 Dear brothers, let us take a closer look at the Godhead as one looking through the window of Modalistic absolutes, that will give us a grander view of Oneness truth and reasoning. Through this window we can see the immense Christocentric revelation of the Father of creation title right before us. We have some key words to reflect  on in order to see the full orbit of this complexed argument. Through doing so we can omit the God/Creator Theory and maintain the Theotes in it’s sum. Trinitarians and Oneness place different Biblical distinctions on Personhood  and Personality. We as Oneness believers place on distinction of personality in the Godhead. This is rendered true through one fact, that the Holy Spirit has always been  Yod-He-Vev-He  the Father of all creation. This view is consistent with the Semitic understanding  of monotheistic  One Godism portrayed in the Shema,

Deut.6:4 Shema Israel YHWH elohanu YHWH echad,

“Hear O Israel, Yahweh is our God. Yahweh is one” 

Trinitarians place an eternal distinction in personhood  between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and in doing so reserve the Hellenistic overtones and deep rooted philosophical dogma of Plato’sTimaeus. Nicaea and Constantinople's  abortion of the Semitic  Monotheism true to Jewish reasoning caused this Tritheistic lie to last through this hour, and Philo’s the leader of the Alexandrian synagogueadoption of this Platonic monstrosity into his school of orthodox Judaism helped to keep Trias alive  at the Councils of 325.ad and 381.ad.

Philippians.2:6 Who being in the form of God , Thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

Jesus Is  all of the Godhead or he is none of it. He is all of the Spirit or he is none of it.

 A Bishop made this statement: Quote,

If we eliminate all titles, positions, manifestations or persons…….The only thing that cannot be eliminated is the Holy Spirit,…...it is the Spirit of God/Creator, Unquote.

God is a Holy Spirit!

 To eliminate Spirit or Father of Creation from the Godhead is like removing anything else that is intrinsic within the sum of God.

For example, If we Kill-off  one title of the Godhead, we destroy  totally all reasoning of  Philippians.2:6 Who being in the form of God, {Greek reading}

“ hos en morph theou Huparchon“.


/i//clip_image002_111.jpg  by Elder Lloyd T. Lockett

The Apostolic Note


Seeing God through the finality of the

Homo sapiens

Case #12

Elder Lloyd T. Lockett